- Name: Gad J. Meir.
- Work: IDAG Ltd (Since 1983).
- Position: R & D Manager (CTO).
- Function: Mentoring, Consulting, Training, Troubleshooting
- Seniority: In the computer industry (Since 1975).
- Experience:
- Hardware (From SOC to Datacenters).
- Software (From COBOL to GO (Golang) and Rust).
- Operations (from Help Desk to IT management).
- Operating systems (From MVS and Unix to Linux and Windows 11.
- Expertise:
- Production time debugging on premiss and in the cloud
- Pre-architecting and design for early detection and fast recovery from faults and bugs in systems to reduce downtime
- Knowledge gaps analysis and knowledge deployment.
- Clouds:
- AWS (AWS Authorized Instructor)
- Azure
- Disclaimer: I don’t know everything. I am still learning.
- I love feedback.
- Feel free to comment and respond.
- I am an ESL (English as Second Language).
- I apologize in advance for any spelling, grammar, or using wrong idiom mistakes.
- Please don’t hesitate to correct me.
- All my contact details are under my picture and at the bottom.